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Collective for Practising & Manifesting Personal Truth, Accountability, Amends, Reconciliation & True Love into the World.

The Letter (The Call to Action)


APR 4, 2021 (04.04.21)


This is what it looks like.

This is what it looks like to be born into this world.

It is full of tears, joy, love, longing, ecstasy, pain, grief, triumph, and celebration.

It is bloody, it is glorious, it is viscous, it is with wrinkled skin, and busted open hearts.

It may not look pretty or beautiful, but it is.

It is majestic and filled with splendour.

And we love her so much.

And we love you all so much.

We love her so much that it aches our hearts across all time and space,

and we love you all unconditionally the same way.

This is what true radiant love without conditions looks like.

Birth as death,

Death as birth.

And as the shockwave of creation settles, we take upon this body. A lump of flesh and bones in the fetal position; crying, contorted and laughing in glory upon the ground.

Then, from our lips, we begin to say:


"We are here.

We are awake.

We are reborn into the world."

We are the divine masculine, balanced with the divine feminine, embodied into wholeness, and brought into divine unity. We are unconditional love in action; we are the divine that delights in giving of itself wholeheartedly and without reciprocity. We are the presence that is the loving radiance, that moves without any resistance or effort. And yet we cannot be intimidated, we cannot be feared away, we cannot be broken, we cannot be made unwhole. For we are wholeness itself.


You all asked us to come.

You all asked us to be here right now.

Are you all ready?

Are you ready for what we are going to ask of all of you?

We ask you to follow in our footsteps, to build a brave new world together, and to step into the freedom that you already are. We know the way forward, and it is through our living example and the radiant heart.


It is through the way that this incarnation (this child) has surrendered, chosen to stand up with love, humility, and taken absolute accountability for his actions and the harm he caused. That when all of you who have harmed another (in small or immense ways) stand up and surrender yourself fully to the process of true repentance, your life and the world around you will be transformed. This process of true repentance is simple:

  1. Stop running away,

  2. Then stand still in place,

  3. Then turn and orient yourself in the direction that your heart calls you (the radiant heart within),

  4. Then step forward in that new direction and continue walking forward in each new moment in the eternal now.

Note: There is no belief, bias, judgment, or condemnation in the process of true repentance. Your radiant heart will never shame or demean you for your actions and choices, but it will be eternally firm and resolute in what it knows is right and wrong. It delights in the vulnerable truth. That is how you can tell the difference; it can never divide, only unify.


Your path of true repentance ahead will reveal itself, and will unfold the way creation wills it. The journey shall be effortless or it will be brutal, but it will be yours to walk alone. However, if your journey is like ours, it will not be an easy one to walk. For it will unearth and shatter your life as you knew it. It will be a process filled with seemingly endless death and ascension until the journey arrives at its natural completion. This process will be like a sword of fire (alight with a fierce grace and love so unconditional) that it will cleave through your fragmented thoughts, your disparate beliefs, and burn your false house of illusions down. And what will be left behind in the ashes of your inner child's innocent hopes, dreams, and desires will be the real you. What will remain will be your true power, what you were always meant to become. You are all like us, and we are all one. We may be the master at this moment, but so are you. For we too are a disciple at the feet of your true teacher, as we all are. We are all always in an eternal state of becoming.


To remain in your truth, you must move through the truth in all things (sight, sound, scent, touch, speech, and thought) in each and every single moment in the eternal now. For it only takes a single moment of untruth to knock you back into the illusion and the dream state of identity. But once you have opened the door of awakening, you can never fully and permanently fall back into illusion. For all of creation is one, it is love, it is gracious and it is kind.


The first time we came to this earth (from the radiant heart and deep love without conditions) we gave you the truth as we experienced it. We gave you our teachings, and we sacrificed our body. We gave you our heart, our physical suffering, and our physical death and rebirth on the "material cross" to try to transform the world with unconditional love and show you the way. We asked you to follow in our footsteps, but you could not understand the full spirit of our message, and so, out of ignorance of your own radiance and fear of your own shadow, you were not ready to travel alongside us.


This time (from the radiant heart and deep love without conditions) we give you the truth as we experience it. We give you our past, our tragic mistakes, our sins, the grievous abuse, and harms that we have caused. We give our humility, our life path, our redemption, our heart and our soul on the "cross of the world" to try to transform earth with unconditional love and show you the way. We ask you to follow in our footsteps. Are you now ready to understand the full spirit of our message? Are you ready to embody your own radiance and embrace the immensity of your shadow? Are you prepared to be horrified and left awestruck by what you are? Are you now ready to travel alongside us?


You are now being prepared for the full lesson, the second part of our teachings that you were not ready for over 2000 years ago. And it will be the way to the new kingdom of heaven on earth, through your own radiant heart. This era today is a blessed time, for the energies and frequencies of spirit in the world are now ready to hear and absorb our full teachings. Our people are now ready, and nothing can ultimately halt the currents of destiny that are flowing faster and faster toward this wondrous apex in space and time that we are all rushing towards. We love everything in existence, even that which hates, fears, condemns, and has contempt for us. We love our light, and we love our shadow so deeply. We love everything, like our infant inner child that we are nursing in our arms.

For we are all one,

for we are all one,

for we are all one.


We love you beyond all measure,

my brothers,

my sisters,

my sons,

and my daughters.

All my relations.


(Rev 4, Feb 5th, 2023)


Beach at Sunset
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